Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Talkline with Zev Brenner

Zev Brenner recently stated on his Talkline radio show how he thinks that what makes for a beautiful environment it certainly doesn't mention both military for those. For the Israeli do not have the American iPhone. There are some overseas that do but they also go into army for two or three years voluntarily. That of course gives credit to parents for allowing them to do that. When it comes to the overseas students, Zev thinks the company most the about this too most all of them that come to us. The goal, after it's gone to college and got here, is a possibility the University where majority go to other places as well and Russia.

Zev Brenner
Zev Brenner's Talkline

We have a lot that are among several professions. We have like over thousand alumni over the years that are totally different professions. And not as well as in the rabbinate in education but other residents are very proud of that and by the way when I found a press like Brenner's Talkline, I met Zev Brenner and he interviewed some students coming for twenty-some years to study. Other somethings there's a bond that exists, a beyond the education study. It is true, I think, the true friendships are made each even this friendship. That's based on having someone who was in the issue with you with a serious environmental sessions and this relationships last forever. That's good to go you here very challenging position because today that's an unknown America for the youngsters.

Some of the students that Zev Brenner talked to during the last episode of Talkline are being polled, even those that are good students. There is the social media, the Internet, you have cell phones you get. Israel on one hand you want to be the Mercer learning all day but on the other hand you have to balance out the the social media. The question is how do you do that well the week. We know that we tell the students that you know when they're coming, but we want them to really utilize every second of that time spent in Israel. I would try to tell them that you know everything else if the Internet stop the things like that they could do away with that.

Some of the people that regularly listen Zev's Talkline, released it's been a time to be off course. They have email that I think they're gonna communicate with their parents but don't with the Internet. Simple things like that they really need it for something like applications. We let them use them in the office but otherwise I think they really understand what our purpose is. To keep them away from although I would say that you heard in the video that distractions at the media tracks everyday life. Therefor they dedicate themselves to our learning so could carry on doing very well.

Here you can get all the Talkline with Zev Brenner episodes:

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